A groundbreaking film titled “The Man Who Saved the Internet With a Sunflower” was recently awarded the Audience Choice Award for Best Narrative Feature at the Dances With Films Festival. The film, which premiered at the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood, tells the true story of Rob and Terry Ryan, the founders of Ascend Communications, who revolutionized the internet and our lives in the 1990s.
The film portrays Rob Ryan, an ambitious engineer who saw the internet’s potential and worked tirelessly to save it from collapse. He used his unique approach to problem-solving, referred to as the “sunflower code,” to innovate and revitalize Ascend Communications when it was on the verge of being sold against his wishes.
Directed by Ori Yardeni and produced by Storiteller Productions, the film features impressive performances from Martin Delaney as Rob Ryan and Leo Hatton as Terry Ryan. It showcases the personal and professional struggles of the couple as they chase innovation and make significant sacrifices.
“The Man Who Saved the Internet With a Sunflower” has been praised for its compelling storytelling, offering an inspiring narrative that celebrates ingenuity and perseverance. The film’s success sheds light on often-overlooked contributions made by individuals shaping the digital age. For more information, visit The Man Who Saved the Internet.
This prestigious award is a testament to the film’s impact and significance in today’s tech-driven world, underscoring its value as an educational tool and entertainment resource.