Elephants Have A Private Way Of Communicating That Humans Can't Hear

Elephants have a unique method of communication, employing infrasound, which is below the range of human hearing, to communicate over long distances in the forest. This phenomenon was previously unclear to scientists as they were unsure of the mechanism through which elephants produced these low-frequency sounds. In 2012, a study was conducted to investigate this, and it was discovered that the process is similar to human speech or singing.

The study was conducted on an elephant that had died naturally, and the larynx was removed and tested under lab conditions. By manipulating the vocal folds, researchers were able to recreate the low-frequency vibrations that characterize infrasounds. This finding disproved the theory that elephants’ low-frequency sounds were a result of purring.

The discovery of the mechanism behind elephants’ secret language demonstrates a connection with other animals in the way they produce sound. This trait is also found in squeaky bats and their ultrasonic calls, as well as in the inaudible infrasounds produced by elephants. Whales also communicate using sounds that go even lower than elephants.

Despite our limited ability to communicate with animals, advancements in artificial intelligence may soon change this. Currently, our knowledge of animal communication is extensive, but direct communication with animals remains elusive.

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